Turn Autism Around


My name is Consolee Sebu

For the past 20 years, I have been working with children and adults with autism.  Before then, I didn't know what autism was. When I started working in this field I became more interested in learning why children with autism behave the way they behave.

I am an undergraduate in Public Health and Health Promotion. This means that I spent time educating people on what is a well-balanced diet.  After realising the benefits of eating a well-balanced diet.  I took a Master's degree in Mental Health Nursing. Pratice as a Mental Health Nurse, have given me opputunity to work with with children and adult with ASD. I am proud of what I do.

My passion for helping other moms naturally recover their children from autism came from my own child’s diagnosis on the autism spectrum.

My holistic background, experience and knowledge assured me that my own child could and would recover if given the right support. I knew I could naturally recover my son from  autism even though they told me it wasn’t possible and nothing can be done but I didn't believe it. It quickly became apparent that in order to find the answers and the help I needed, it was up to me to start the journey on my own.

Today I offer the resources that took me over a decade to break through ,  it was all worth it. Today my son’s is healthy, happy, and living his life to the fullest.  It gives me great pleasure to share what I have and help families all over the world. Now I wish to share it with you.

Please Accept my invitation and register for this event now. It will be well worth your time.


My Mission

My mission is to empower mums raising a child with autism to naturally heal their children so that they  can live a fulfilling life they deserve.

My Vision

I wish to create a caring and loving world so that  children with autism  will live independent and fulfilling life .

Who Do I Help?

If you are parents who are on the waiting list for medical professionals to assess your child or your child is diagnosed with autism.  You are unsure and overwhelmed about how best to support your child especially if you have tried everything you know of but still lack clarity on how to support your child on a daily basis as you don’t even know what to expect from your child.  This program is for you.

Start Your Training 

Are you overwhelmed since your child received their autism diagnosis? If so, you are not alone.

Over the course  of Naturally Recovering Autism  will empower you and  provide you with  daily education, communication, and practical tools to implement in your day-to-day life. You can complete this program from wherever you are, whenever you have the time, from your phone, tablet, or computer.

Eating And Nutrition

The  focus will base on different technics you can use day to day to get your child eat almost everything. You will learn about how Healing the Gut and Diet substantially impact your child’s autism symptoms and overall health. 

Communication And Behaviour 

Many children with ASD have difficulty with communication and sensory sensitivities, which can contribute to behaviour problems.  Over this training you are going to explore ways you can support your child addressing both communication and behaviour problems through teaching them new skills behaviours, while also reducing problem behaviours, by using positive reinforcement and other evidence-based strategies.


Sleeping ,dressing, play and sensory problem.

Children with autism are way off in their behaviour when they have established routines that keep them going. This means that routine is everything. You are going to learn how routine can transform your child future outcome.

Questions & Answers 

Live Call  with Consolee where she will discuss how to tie-it-all together with a proven plan to follow for your Support and Long Term Strategies. This helps you know what to do and when without any more confusion so you can get the best results possible for your child. Followed by a live Q&A.

Every day of training : receive daily emails, worksheets, and information about how each topic will help you positively impact your child’s wellbeing. Engage with other members in the workshop on a live online forum where you can share experiences and support one another. As well, you will have a live call every week with Consolee that will help you understand each topic. You will receive variety tools and tips . 


"I never knew that my daughter can actually eat vegetables. My daughter started eating everything when she was 6 years of age after having two sessions".

— Betty Aketch 

"when I heard the first word from my son at the age of 4 years  old. I knew he can speak more than one word."


"For years I struggled with sleepless night.  Thanks for this training. So powerful!"